the way you tell this story of new life deserves to be documented.

these images become exponentially more valuable with time.

One of my biggest regrets is not documenting my pregnancies. As soon as I learned that we were going to become parents, I stopped listening to that little voice that said ‘what do YOU want Ashley?’

Unsurprisingly this led to a whole dang identity crisis after our third baby. I mean, it wasn’t all that bad, that crisis led me into discovering intimate portraiture! And a version of myself that I now ALWAYS listen to!

But I understand that a full intimate portrait experience is exhausting at 30 weeks pregnant!

And I understand that you may not want a full album dedicated to this time in your life, but you’d probably want your favourite digital files to stare at during night feeds!

And I understand that this magical time deserves documentation for you and your future children.

Book a Maternity Portrait appointment through my contact form here.


Aura Portraits
